Thoughts on Yom Kippur Katan
Since 1904, congregants come from Aurora and the surrounding communities.
(630) 892-2450
Thoughts on Perek Shirah
Words from the Rabbi June 16, 2023
Thoughts on Bar and Bat Mitzvah
Thoughts on the Sabbath Song Yom Zeh L’Yisrael
Thoughts on Codex Sassoon 1053
Thoughts on the Synagogue
Thoughts on Mah Yedidut
Thoughts on V’yitein L’cha
Thoughts on Rabban Gamliel’s Teaching in the Haggadah
Thoughts on the Four Children in the Haggadah
Another Take on the Korbanot Section of the Morning Service
Thoughts on Parashat Parah
Thoughts on Shabbat Zachor
Thoughts on the Fifth of the Four Evening Blessings of the Sh’ma
Thoughts on Trees and their Fruits and their Blessings
Thoughts on Al Tira MiPachad Pitom
Thoughts on Blessings After Eating
Thoughts on the Shabbat Table Song D’ror Yikra
Thoughts on the Opening of the Evening Service