Since 1904, congregants come from Aurora and the surrounding communities.
(630) 892-2450
Show that you care
Our unique community depends on the spirit, dedication, and financial support of its members through membership dues and tzedakah. Please know that your membership is deeply appreciated. It is thanks to you that we're able to continue the important work that we do at Temple B'nai Israel.
You can also make your payment go further. Through increasing it by three percent, you help cover the transaction fees and save the Temple that extra expense. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. We're so grateful for your generosity.
For the following special donations, use the button “Donate to other Temple Funds.” Please let the office know where you wish your donation to be given.
Rabbi Agress Scholarship Fund: This fund is for Temple students to attend a Jewish summer camp or an organized program to Israel.
Torah Repair Fund: The Temple arks hold five precious Torahs, which we lovingly care for when the need arises.
Tribute Fund: This fund is for the beautification of the Temple grounds and interior such as holiday flowers for the bima.
Prayer Book fund: Purchase a prayer book or mahzor in memory or in honor of a loved one or a special occasion. Cost: $40 and up
Library Fund: Purchase a book for the Podolsky Library collection or for our children’s library in memory or in honor of a loved one or a special occasion. Minimum donation: $18
Special Board of Education Fund: Donate to this fund to help defray the cost of the religious school for students.
You may also purchase plaques for different areas in the Temple. Just pay on this page and the Temple office will contact you for details.
Memorial Plaques: Honor the memory of a loved one by purchasing a plaque which is mounted on the chapel wall. Kaddish will be said at their yahrzeit every year. Cost: $300 per plaque.
Tree of Life: Mark a special occasion by adding a leaf or stone to our Tree of Life. Cost: Leaf $120, Stone $300.
Timeless Tribute Seat Plaques: Honor or memorialize your loved one with a plaque on a seat in the sanctuary or chapel. Cost: $360
Please donate today using the links below. And thank you, again, for your generosity.
If you wish your donation to be directed to a special fund other than what is listed, please contact the Temple office.